8KL Visit to Kilcreggan Farm

8KL Visit to Kilcreggan Farm

We have been reading ‘The Chicken Gave It To Me’ in English so we decided to go to Kilcreggan to find out more about free range farming. At first I thought the chickens were scary and I was horrified to go near them but then I found them interesting and fed them corn and seeds from my hand. Eventually after the ducks and cockerels we went into an actual chicken pen – they were running around and squawking loudly.

Next we went to see the goats and Suki, the miniature horse but I didn’t find them very exciting, so I moved on to the pigs but they stank really badly! Then we saw the rabbits – they were incredibly fluffy and they were so adorable. I held a black rabbit – it was so cuddly! My favourite thing at the farm was the rabbits because they were so small and fluffy, like silk.

We really enjoyed the trip and we think Kilcreggan Farm is wonderful because it is so much fun and educational. We learnt that love isn’t just for humans but for animals too. I thought the goats would bite but they didn’t even snap and one chicken I picked up started climbing up my arm.

Written by Ellie Gabbey and Madison Elliott 8KL.