Learning for Life and Work Archives - Ulidia Integrated College https://ulidiacollege.com/tag/learning-for-life-and-work/ Carrickfergus Thu, 05 Dec 2019 15:37:37 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.5 Stamp out Hate Crime Competition https://ulidiacollege.com/2019/12/stamp-out-hate-crime-competition/ Thu, 05 Dec 2019 15:37:33 +0000 https://ulidiacollege.com/?p=26354 9L LLW were delighted to receive their Tesco vouchers from PSNI Carrickfergus for taking part in their most recent competition “Stamp out Hate Crime” Pupils had to design a poster for “Hate Crime”. A big well done to all pupils involved.

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Danske Bank Workshop https://ulidiacollege.com/2019/06/danske-bank-workshop/ Mon, 17 Jun 2019 10:39:13 +0000 https://ulidiacollege.com/?p=25324 Year 9 learners stated in their learner feedback questionnaires that they would like to learn more about Banking and about Bank accounts. In response to this feedback the LLW department hosted a workshop this week from Danske Bank.  Learners had the opportunity to learn about...

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Year 10 Active Citizens https://ulidiacollege.com/2019/04/year-10-active-citizens/ Tue, 30 Apr 2019 13:20:25 +0000 https://ulidiacollege.com/?p=25149 Year 10 have been studying local and global citizenship this term in their Learning for Life and Work classes. As part of this unit students planned an active citizenship activity. Well done to 10 MCL and 10 STL who chose to complete a litter picking...

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Year 9 Young Entrepreneur Workshop https://ulidiacollege.com/2019/04/year-9-young-entrepreneur-workshop/ Mon, 29 Apr 2019 13:02:14 +0000 https://ulidiacollege.com/?p=25126 On Tuesday 9th April year 9 students had the opportunity to attend a Young Entrepreneur workshop. During the workshop pupils had the opportunity to self evaluate their own entrepreneurial skills and to work in teams to develop creative ideas for a business. The pupils then...

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PSNI visit Year 11 LLW Classes https://ulidiacollege.com/2019/02/psni-visit-year-11-llw-classes/ Tue, 12 Feb 2019 14:52:55 +0000 https://ulidiacollege.com/?p=24852 This term all year 11 non exam classes have been visited by PSNI community officers. Students had the opportunity to learn about drugs and their dangers. Students learnt about the dangers of taking both drugs prescribed to other people and illegal drugs. Students had the...

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Year 9 First Aid https://ulidiacollege.com/2018/10/year-9-first-aid/ Mon, 15 Oct 2018 13:15:43 +0000 https://ulidiacollege.com/?p=24044 During term one this year all year 9 learners are studying Personal Development in Learning for Life and Work. Within this module students are learning about how to cope in an emergency, use of 999 and how to stay safe.  This term students in year...

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