8BL Visit to Kilcreggan Urban Farm

8BL Visit to Kilcreggan Urban Farm

Year 8BL was the last of four Year 8 classes from Ulidia to visit Kilcreggan Urban Farm.

8BL arrived noisily at 10.30 am on Tuesday 25th June to be greeted by Phil and Hugh.

Phil and Hugh showed our excited pupils around the chickens, geese, ducks, rabbits, guinea pigs, goats, miniature horse and two Hungarian pigs!

We were informed that the farm helps many people with learning disabilities and they interact and care for the animals’ welfare.

We also learned about the animals and their personalities. The goats were friendly but the horse was known to bite. (However the horse was on her best behaviour, and allowed the gentle stroking she received.) The geese were definitely not friendly and honked loudly at us.

The rabbits were the most popular species. They were extremely tolerant as twenty Year 8s ran around the enclosure attempting to catch them for a cuddle!

We discovered that pigs need sun screen like human beings to protect their tender skin in hot weather, and that the expression “hen-pecked” came from the rooster when his hens turn on him and peck him if he loses their respect!

We thank everyone at Kilcreggan Urban Farm for a fun experience.