Big Breakfasts!

Big Breakfasts!

As another busy term draws to an end, it was time this week to reward the hard and efforts of pupils in Year 8 to Year 14.

On Monday 14th April, a large group of pupils from Year 8 to Year 12 enjoyed another delicious big breakfast provided by Mrs Bruton in the canteen. Pupils tucked into bacon and sausage baps, juice and tea and coffee to give a kick start to their final few days of term. The breakfast was provided as a reward for their excellent attendance, behaviour and for their achievements over the last term.

On Wednesday 16th April, it was the turn of the 6th Form. Breakfast was provided by The Friary on Prince Andrew Way. Again, students very much appreciated the great food and the time to relax at the end of a long and busy term.

We wish all our students a very happy and safe Easter!