Litter picking in our local commmunity

Litter picking in our local commmunity

The Eco team at Ulidia Integrated College carry out regular litter picking events at Loughshore beach and also along the sea front at Carrickfergus. These take place at least once a term at each location.

The team take in at least two picks each term at each location and collect litter for recycling. The litter is disposed of at the college within the ‘zero waste’ scheme so that none of it goes into landfill. During each litter pick on average 5 large bags of litter are collected by the group.

The Carrickfergus seafront area at the front of Carrikfergus castle was adopted by the group, but they feel strongly as a group that they also care about the Loughshore area, so the group have also unofficially adopted the Loughshore area!

Each June the team make a huge effort and increase the frequency of litter picks and have included the area into our ‘greenday’ event. This allows pupils from across the school to visit the Castle area and to give it a major clean up in order to have the area looking its best before the summer tourists arrive.

The team share their efforts with their school community by posting photos and updates on their school website, and also by informing local papers who will publicise the events to the local community.

The team are committed to ensuring that their local coastal areas are looked after and remain beautiful. This also gives the young learners pride in their local area, and maintains the beauty of the seafront for visitors and locals alike.