Christmas Hamper Appeal

Christmas Hamper Appeal

It has been a Ulidia tradition for the past number of years to help local families at this time of year. Once again the staff and students of Ulidia excelled in their generosity and support for those less fortunate than themselves.


This year with a brilliant ‘family’ effort, 34 LARGE hampers were given to those in need.  Thanks to everyone who generously donated; the pupils, the teachers, the LSA’s, the office staff and the canteen staff.  Both charities were again overwhelmed at the size of each box with the basic food items…and luxuries in each box!


The older boys who helped with the lifting of the hampers were witness to the gratefulness of Home-Start and Women’s Aid.  The older girls who did last minute sorting of the hampers were thrilled to see the vast sea of Christmas colours!


Thanks also to the Year 10s who were very generous with their money donations.  This allowed for more hampers to be made up and also 4 teenagers in Carrick will receive gift vouchers, ‘smellies’ and chocolate to open on Christmas Day.


Year 8 students have also been extremely generous since the start of September with their support of a number of charity events, including Christmas hampers.


Thanks to all who ‘rallied’ and encouraged – your efforts have been extremely worthwhile. The organisers (The Rotary Interact Club) and the Sixth Form students genuinely appreciate everyone’s effort.