Integrated Education Month

Integrated Education Month

March 2017 sees the first month long celebration of integrated education and here at Ulidia we intend to fully participate in the Integrated Education Fund’s celebration.

This year the whole month of March is dedicated to the theme ‘Remembering: The Big Small Stories’ where we hope that we will be able to capture and share all the stories of those who have been and are involved in Ulidia, past and present, as pupils, parents, staff and governors.

Therefore, we would like to invite you to share your stories with us and tell us why integrated education is so important to you and how Ulidia has had an impact on your own life story.

  • If you are or were a pupil, share with us how being part of an integrated school has impacted on your life and influenced you in the different aspects of your life.
  • If you are a parent of a child who attends or has attended Ulidia, share with us why you believe integrated education was the best choice and how you hope it will influence your child’s life story.
  • If you are a member of staff or governor, share with us how being part of Ulidia has influenced and impacted on your life story.

We would like to share as many stories as possible through our specially dedicated area on the website and use this month to show just how much of an impact that being part of Ulidia Integrated College’s own unique story has had on all our lives.

Please send your stories to and mark FAO Miss Connolly.