To: Parents of Pupils currently enrolled

To: Parents of Pupils currently enrolled

As we come to the end of a busy first term, I would like to remind you of the following:



All parents should have received an invitation to register either by email or by text.  Please click on this link and follow the instructions to register.  Once you have registered, you can download the Ulidia IC ParentMail app from Google Play or the Apple Store to your phone or tablet.  Please register first as the app will not work until you have registered online.  If you are experiencing problems, please contact our ICT Support on 028 9336 8522. 


Please note all future circulars will be sent by ParentMail.


Christmas Jumper Day

We are having a Christmas jumper day on Friday 16 December.  This will replace the school jumper for the day and the rest of the school uniform should be worn.  The cost of the day will be £2.00 with the proceeds going to Habitat for Humanity.  A prize will be awarded for the best jumper in Junior and Senior school.


End of Term

School finishes on Tuesday 20 December at 12.30pm.  Normal transport will be available at this time to take pupils to Carrickfergus Train Station.  The school bus will be available to take pupils to Ballycarry/Islandmagee.  Tuesday is a non-uniform day and I would like to remind you of the following:


Non Uniform Days

At Ulidia, we have some non-uniform days throughout the school year and usually we use the occasions to raise money for charities. We intend these days to be enjoyable but also stress-free for pupils (and parents) and an opportunity for you to express your individuality. However, there are some guidelines in order to ensure that everyone is comfortable and that we support and promote our integrated ethos.


Please remember:

  • Emblems and football tops are not permitted nor any types of clothing that are intended to insult or offend others
  • Most of these days are normal working school days so your clothes must be comfortable to work in – you may need to consider the subjects you have that day.
  • Crop tops, low cut tops or clothes that display too much flesh are not appropriate for school.
  • Make up is permitted though it should not be overly excessive – remember, it’s a school day, not a night out!
  • Hairstyles should be appropriate – there’s no need to change your style or colour just for one day – there’s no need to put extra pressure on yourself.
  • From health and safety point of view, piercings and jewellery are permitted though they should be safe for class time and free time.


Term 2 / Uniform

Term 2 commences for pupils on Wednesday 4 January 2017 which is a ‘week 1’.  With regard to school uniform, I would like to remind you of the following:

  • Hair should be cut no shorter than a number 2
  • Shoes should be black school shoes – not canvas and not trainer style
  • Trousers should be dark grey, school trousers – not drainpipe trousers
  • Piercings are not permitted except for 6th Form who may wear one set of ear rings
  • Nail varnish is not permitted except for 6th Form who may wear one colour. Gel nails are not permitted.



We are becoming increasingly aware that some pupils are coming to school without the necessary equipment to take part in lessons.  We would ask for your support in making sure your child has the necessary equipment required to participate in the learning process.  This would include:


  • Pencils, rubber and ruler (30 cm long)
  • Black or Blue ball point pens
  • Compass, Protractor and Calculator (for Maths)
  • Planner, Exercise books and school books needed for the day


Please encourage your child to check his/her schoolbag each night and that the correct books (including planner) and equipment are packed for the following day’s lessons.                                                                  


Year 11 Parent/Teacher Meeting

The Year 11 Parent/Teacher meeting will be held on Wednesday 4 January 2017, from 3.30pm until 5.30pm.  Your child is expected to make appointments for you with each subject teacher and you will be able to discuss his/her progress.  I am sure you will agree and appreciate the importance of attending.



An important leaflet from the Department of Education is enclosed with this circular.  I am sure you will agree with the contents on why attendance at school is so important.


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I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and to wish you a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.




M Houston






The designated teacher for child protection in the college is Miss Darina Connolly and the deputy designated person for child protection is Mrs Beverley Howe.