Green Day 2013

Green Day 2013

On 26th June year’s 8, 9, and 10 came together to celebrate ‘Green day’.

The aim of the day was to promote environmental awareness at local, national, and global scales. During the day students took part in a range of activities including a bug hunt, litter picking, de weeding, planting, NI bag campaign, Fair trade, as well as these activities students were visited by outside speakers from Eco Schools, ISL, and Ikea.

During the day students developed their communication, and their mathematic skills. The range of activities also incorporated RE, Geography, Technology, Art, and PE topics.

The students and staff alike enjoyed the day – especially the ‘funky welly’ competition and green dress up!

During the summer holidays the web site will be updated with the podcasts that the groups created to advertise fair trade produces – so keep checking in to hear them!

You can see all the photos from ‘Green day 2013’ here