Ulidia Welcomes German Visitors

Ulidia Welcomes German Visitors

Recently in Ulidia Integrated College, we were lucky enough to welcome two incredible teachers all the way from Germany. Our guests Anika and Joseph both travelled from different states in Germany and therefore teach at different schools, but they both travelled with the same purpose; to study the educational culture in Northern Ireland and to compare it to their own.


Throughout the day they were able to get a small taste of life here in Ulidia. This involved seeing our teacher’s teaching styles, the design of our classrooms, the layout of the school, the size of the school, the amount of pupils, the fundamental guidelines and regulations, the class courses and the overall vibrant environment that our Integrated school proudly carries.


Through their experience we were able to learn the differences between German schools and our own, did you know German schools don’t wear uniform!? AND they welcome up to 500 new students each year!? These are only two of the many facts they shared with us.


Overall the cultures are very different and they were very impressed with every aspect of our school system. We were very lucky to have these wonderful guests over to give us an idea of how schools around the world may compare to ours.