Pupils Attend Launch of Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Week

Pupils Attend Launch of Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Week

Today Ulidia pupils attended the launch of the Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying week which took place in the Radar Centre in Belfast.


The day involved an awards presentation and Matthew Johnston a Year 11 student from Ulidia was awarded first place for his creative writing, 3000 pupils across Northern Ireland took part in the competition. What an achievement, well done Matthew!


The pupils got the opportunity to meet the Deputy Permanent Secretary for Education, Katrina Godfrey as she presented the awards. Our pupils Anna Maguire, Ryan Kearney, Scott Taylor, Niamh Hawkins, Eleanor Shimmon, Daniel Armstrong and Joel Johnston were chosen to be the faces of the N.I. Anti Bullying promotional material which involves being on the back of buses, bus stops and billboards all across Northern Ireland for the next five years. Ryan Kearney described this as “an incredible experience” and it is truly something he is proud to be promoting.