In Ulidia Integrated College we are committed to the development of character and a growth mind-set. We believe that this is an inherent part of the success of the College, both in terms of the well-being and confidence of our young people as well as their academic and personal achievements and success.
We promote many aspects of resilience in our pupils: academic, physical, emotional, cultural and spiritual. Our aim is for students to develop empathy and emotional intelligence which will support their achievement in all curriculum areas and allow them to become dynamic, change-making members of our society and workforce.
Our ‘Attitude To Learning’ and ‘Behaviour For Learning’ systems are the foundation of all we do. We teach our young people how to conduct themselves with respect and responsibility, enabling them to excel in all areas of their lives. We challenge pupils to identify personal and academic goals; we reward and celebrate when they reach those goals; we support and value their tenacity when they need to try again.
The ‘Attitude To Learning’ policy creates a positive learning culture of ‘earning through effort’ by setting out clear, high expectations for achievement and consistently recognises and encourages those pupils who meet and exceed it.
We have a tiered approach to rewards that allows pupils to benefit from certificates, special privileges and excursions outside of school based on commitment, effort and attitude as opposed to outcomes only.
What Parents Say
Positive Attitude
‘Ulidians’ are expected to show loyalty and respect for their school and to each other at all times. We celebrate our differences in the knowledge that our own values are respected and celebrated in return. The workplace we are preparing pupils for is broad and diverse, and so we give them the opportunity to openly explore each other’s cultures and beliefs, find common ground and learn to work with people from different backgrounds, views, experiences and interests.
We have an extensive pastoral programme with Intentional Integration, Citizenship and Personal Development at the heart of all we do. Pupils are placed in pastoral form classes in Year 8 that are made up from a blend of both All-Ability and Grammar pathways. Where possible, their Form Teacher remains constant throughout Years 8-12 and they are supported by specialist Heads of Year who know the specific demands of each Key Stage as the pupils progress.
Safeguarding Team
Dr Breen
Designated Person for Child Protection / Pastoral Leader
Mrs McBride
Deputy Designated Person for Child Protection
Mrs Howe
Deputy Designated Person for Child Protection
Mrs Redmond
Deputy Designated Person for Child Protection
Pastoral Resources
We firmly believe at Ulidia that in times of need whatever they may be there is always support available to all of us in our local community and beyond. Our pastoral team have put together a list of resources covering a wide range of needs together with contact details. Sometimes just the listening ear of someone else or the additional support during a difficult time can make all the difference.
East Antrim Councelling
Covid Wellbeing NI
Drugs & Alcohol NI
Turning Point NI
Start 360