General News

On October 3rd Year 14 Travel and Tourism class was visited by Mrs A Lyttle to talk about careers within the Travel and Tourism sector. Mrs Lyttle gave the group a brief introduction about her personal vocational history and how she got into the travel industry....

The eco team meet every Friday in GG2 from 3.15 to 4.15. During meetings the group take part in a wide range of activities each week including litter picking, research, and guest speakers along with lots of visits off site throughout the year.   This September the...

Ambalamanenjana Primary school is located in the Vohiboay neighbourhood of the Miarinarivo municipality, of Ambalavao district, Haute Matsiatra region, in the Highlands of Madagagascar. After hearing about the plight of children in Madagascar having little access to clean and safe water, which was hindering their...

Ulidia Integrated College was very proud to be asked in 2014 to become Ambassador Eco School by Eco Schools Northern Ireland for the 'global dimension' area of study. During the three year term of Ambassadorship the team and whole school have benefitted from the programme...

The campaigns were over. The speeches were done. All that was needed was an X in a box. Yesterday students in Years 8-12 took to the polling station and voted for their Class Rep 2017-18. We had a 93% turn out for the elections and the...

The College is delighted to announce the appointment of its Head Girl and Head Boy for the coming academic year as Aimee Lee Johnston and Jonathan Armstrong. Both students came through a stringent application process with flying colours and are greatly looking forward to aiding...

Congratulations to Holly (10CHD) on being awarded 'Young Environmental Leader of the Year 2017' by the Ulster Wildlife Trust and AES. Holly was awarded this for her efforts in creating a campaign to protect local hedgerows. Holly said 'I am very happy to have been awarded...

On Wednesday 6th of September we are holding an Induction Evening for Year 13 students and their parents.  This will take place at 7pm in the school hall. We would greatly appreciate it if all parents could attend, as important information will be discussed....

Positive Discipline Update We have very much enjoyed welcoming our new Year 8 pupils and 6th Form students to the college this week and hope that everyone in Years 9-12 are looking forward to their return tomorrow, Friday 1st September. Last year we launched Positive Discipline and...

Ulidia Integrated College has recorded the highest GCSE Results in the College’s History with 67.12% of pupils gaining 5 or more A*-C grades including English and Maths, an outstanding increase of 25.12% on last year. Principal Michael Houston reported an overall pass rate of 76.71% attaining...