General News

On Monday 9th November members of the eco team took part in our annual environmental review of the school grounds. Armed with clipboards and forms the group was divided into teams to focus on aspects of our school environment and began our research. The weather...

Blue Friday which is part of our anti-bullying campaign, will take place on 20 November 2015. This is a non-uniform day and pupils are asked to wear an item of 'blue' clothing....

On Friday 5th November students from the Eco team took part in a litter pick down at Carrickfergus Castle. The students braved a windy Friday evening to collect litter that had blown out of bins and that had been trapped in the vegetation in the...

On Wednesday 18th November a sixth form parents evening will be taking place from 3.30pm - 5.30pm. All pupils should currently be making appointments with their teachers and we would encourage all parents/guardians to attend.     ...

Anyone who has a family member with ASD or those who are in the process of Diagnosis and are interested in supporting themselves and others should come along for a chat and coffee. Everyone welcome   Meeting On:                    ...

Please note that Middletown Centre for Autism will deliver three parent training sessions before Christmas, with a view to delivering a further three sessions during the second term. The details of the first three sessions are as follows: Wednesday 11 November 2015:               What is Autism? (What...

Congratulations to Rachel in Year 8 who competed at the Ulster School Cup for swimming last month. Rachel is one of the first pupils to have represented Ulidia in this competition and she competed in the 50m Freestyle and Breaststroke categories.   Although she was nervous...

All Year 12 pupils have an ICT examination on Thursday 5th November 2015 to satisfy 25% of their Level 2 BTEC course (Thursday after the Half Term Holiday). We have compiled the following resources, including past papers, to facilitate their revision here.   It would be useful...

Our Year 10 Geographers have been studying natural hazards this term in class. Within the unit they have been learning about Monsoons in India, Twisters in USA, Tsunamis in Japan, Landslides in England, and even about a twister in Wales! During their lessons the Year...