Term Dates | Contact: (028) 9358 0795 (temporary)
An Information Evening for Sixth Form pupils and their parents will be held in the hall on Tuesday 2 September 2014 at 5.30pm. All the relevant details and reply slip are on the form. Please click here to view....
SUCCESS REIGNS AGAIN FOR ULIDIA INTEGRATED COLLEGE STUDENTS Following our outstanding ‘A’ Level results, the Principal, staff and Governors of Ulidia Integrated College would like to congratulate our Year 12 students on their brilliant performance at GCSE level. The college is yet again delighted that our students...
Another Excellent set of Sixth Form Results I am yet again delighted that our Sixth Form students have surpassed, not just the schools high expectation and targets, but also those set out by the Department of Education for Northern Ireland to benchmark and measure academic success...
We were delighted to hear that Alanna Duncan, former A-Level Student at Ulidia, recently received a First Class Honours Degree in Computer Science from Queens University. Her course predominantly focused on programming, and as such she has such taken on her first role as...
The Geography department are delighted to be able to present to the school a life saving defibrillator after their successful annual spellathon. The successful annual event raised over £800 this year bringing our total over the last five years to over £4000! This has been...
Ulidia teacher Miss McKee was invited as a member of the NIWFA (Northern Ireland Women's Football Association) in partnership with the IFA to a welcome reception at Belfast City Hall. The reception was to welcome Her Royal Majesty The Queen as she met with the new Lord Mayor...
We would like to wish all students, parents and staff a very happy summer. The College reopens for our new year 8 on Wednesday 27th August 2014....
The aim of the day was to promote environmental awareness at local, national, and global scales. During the day students took part in a range of activities including a beach clean, litter picking, de weeding, planting, NI bag campaign, Fair trade. As well as these...
Mr Spratt, Miss McKee and Ms Brush went on a 8SR, beach litter pick on the 25th of June as part of Green Day. The students collected litter left on the beach by visitors to Loughshore. There was also debris and rubbish washed up on...