General News

Emma Sloan from the NIBTS plans to attend Ulidia again and lead a whole school assembly, encouraging pupils and staff to donate blood. This is a very informative assembly and challenges our school to think about sacrificing our time and blood to save the lives...

The junior pupils had a Christmas school disco last December arranged by the mentor team. It was great turn out with lots of fun along with a DJ and tuck shop providing drinks and snacks. There was even a dance off between a senior student...

To recognise all their hard work and achievements in term 1 this year, individual pupils for each year group were given an extra reward at Christmas. Pupils received vouchers and special treats that were kindly provided by local businesses, including; The Beauty Studio, Carrickfergus, The...

Happy new year!  We return on a week 2 timetable.  Mon 6th and Tues 7th are normal school days.  To facilitate exams, years 11, 13 and 14 will be off timetable from Wed 8th–Fri 10th inclusive.  Year 12 will be off timetable from Wed 8th–Fri...

Pupils in Year 11 & 12 were rewarded with a big breakfast on Friday 20th December. This was to recognise and celebrate all their hard work and excellent attendance this term. Pupils tucked into a veritable feast prepared by the school canteen. It was a...

On Monday 16th December pupils from 9ST enjoyed a typical French Breakfast in the school canteen. It was an opportunity for pupils to gain an insight into an aspect of French culture. The menu consisted of croissants and chocolate croissants served with hot chocolate and...

The annual Carol Service took place on Wednesday, 18th December with many in our school community taking part.  We had beautiful singing from the choir; the soloists were angelic!  The brass instruments brought a real warmth of Christmas into the Assembly Hall. The readers and the...

We did it; a great effort from our wee community!  We required 32 hampers and got 37 – this means that we can bless more folk than we anticipated! Once again, thank you, and your staff and your class for your generosity. Both charities have collected...