General News

The Year 8 annual Shoe Box Appeal is underway! As part of the College's mentor programme, every October for the last seven years, Year 8 pupils have been packaging shoe boxes with much needed items. This year we will donate to a locally based charity,...

We are currently recruiting young people to have their say on access to local youth activities. If you would like the opportunity to be a part of this then please click on the link below for details. Have Your Say...

One of the world’s most elite guitarists is coming to Ulidia Integrated College on Friday 11th October to play and to talk with the senior school about achieving a career within the music and entertainment business. The event will also be attended by...

The music department are delighted to introduce our new year 8 instrumentalists. These talented pupils are taking lessons in a variety of instruments including, drums, guitar, piano and voice. Did you know that Music stimulates parts of the brain that are related to reading, math and...

A deadline has been set by UCAS for the final submission of all University applications. The dates are as follows: Applications for Medicine, Dentistry, Vetinary Science, Oxford and Cambridge Universities courses by Tuesday 15 October 2013. All other UCAS applications by 15 January 2014. Deadline for applications direct...

Kenny was selected to represent N.I. for the Sainsburys National Schools Table Tennis games in Sheffield 12-15th Sept, in standing section of disability group. It was a huge honour and experience, as the Games were run as professionally as the Olympics but in a smaller...

The link below shows the Ulidia Integrated College 2013 - 2014 lunchtime and after school clubs.  Please note that you will be informed of any changes that are made to these clubs. Click here to see the various Extra Curricular Clubs...

Student council elections took place this week, with classes voting for their respective class representatives. All of the results will be announced shortly! To see more photos of the student council elections, click the link below: Student Council Election Photos...

The event will take place on Thursday 7 November 2013 from 7.00pm – 9.00pm at Ulidia Integrated College (room will depend on numbers and will be confirmed nearer the date). Everyone welcome – bring a friend! Tickets are on sale from the office for £2 (this will include entry...