
Students from the Eco Team at Ulidia Integrated College visited IKEA in Belfast to learn about their waste disposal methods. Ikea use ISL recycling which is the same company that Ulidia use. The students learnt about waste management on a larger scale and they even...

The geography department raised £850 this term for Northern Ireland Childrens Hospice. Pictured are Evan Peacock who was the top year 8 fundraiser and Peter McCabe of NICH who accepted the cheque....

On 12th March students from Ulidia Integrated college attended the Ulster finals of UNESCO young environmentalist competition. The group gave a presentation about their work this year and also presented their work in a stand which was visited by he judges and assembled guests....

On 19th March students from Ulidia Integrated College attended the zero waste celebration event where we celebrated being Northern Irelands only school which sends 0% of it’s waste into landfill. The group gave a presentation to the assembled guests and were presented with a certificate...

The Year 14 Performing Art students from Ulidia Integrated College in Carrickfergus put on their performance of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ on 19th and 20th March. The show was a delight to the audience – both young and not so young - who immediately engaged...

I have been given the Carson Bursary Fund to work on a project, following the title “What Integration means to me”. I have decided to make a photography piece using Photoshop. I am focusing on how everyone should be treated equally. My Photography piece consists...