
Students from the eco team work on making bird houses for the school grounds. The bird houses are now up on the school grounds, with a live Internet feed from one of them.  ...

Students from Ulidia Integrated college attended climate challenge at Stormont. The group presented their findings about the effects of climate change upon Kenya and also displayed their work to assembled guests and MLA’s. ...

Students from Ulidia Integrated College Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme were visited by Cotswold to learn about kit and how to pack a rucksack. Students tried self heating food and were all given a discount card for Cotswold. ...

Students from Ulidia Integrated College took part in first aid training after school. They learnt about bandaging, burns and how to administer CPR. ...

Students from the Eco Team at Ulidia Integrated College visited IKEA in Belfast to learn about their waste disposal methods. Ikea use ISL recycling which is the same company that Ulidia use. The students learnt about waste management on a larger scale and they even...