
The Year 10 pupils exploring the chemistry behind making Iron (pupils huddled at the back of the room at a safe distance). The reaction, which reaches several thousand degree Celsius, is carried out in the hollow of a humble house brick. Molten Iron gets produced...

The Ulidia Integrated College eco team have been awarded first place in the 'International Collaboration' category of the global 'Young Reporters for the Environment' competition. Ulidia eco team have worked alongside Fort Duphine in Madagascar to research global issues of production and consumption of Coffee....

Off the back of our recent success in the NEBSSA & District Athletic Championships with our year 8 pupils, we had a visit from one of the Athletics NI development Officers.  During the session the 18 pupils were provided specialist advice on improving their sprinting...

This year the Eco team have been working with Shanna Rice from the Ulster wildlife trust to become young environmental leaders. This programme involved four key areas of focus; know, feel, act, and overcome barriers. Learners worked to lead environmental action within their community by litter...

As part of their organising a sports events unit, the year 14 pupils devised a field trip to We are Vertigo Trampoline Park. They organised the event from start to finish. Some of the jobs involved; distributing consent forms, organising transport, collecting entrance fees, carrying...

Last month pupils from both Whiteabbey Primary and Ulidia Integrated College worked together with the Ulster Wildlife Trust to litter pick in the area around Carrickfergus Castle. During the event pupils learnt about plastic waste in our oceans - Did you know that a plastic...

On Thursday 8th June Ryan McN, Jake, Mark and Ryan McK from year 11 represented the school at the NEBBSA East Qualifiers at Carrickfergus Golf Club. Despite teeing off in wet conditions the boys were still keen and looking forward to playing their round against some...

Victories for Michael (8MCL), Erin (10OWN) and the Year 8 boys district B relay team; Wiktor (8DNN), Wallace (8BRG), Ruairi (8MCL) and Michael (8MCL) highlighted a successful Ulster Championships for Ulidia Integrated College. Six students had earned themselves a place in the Ulster Schools Track...

On 24th May, 40 Year 10 and Year 11 pupils attended a theatrical special effects make-up workshop hosted by the Drama Department and delivered by Louise Loughran from “Doll face House of Make-up.”  The students enjoyed 2 hours of demonstrations and hands-on experimentation using silicone...