
This Article was written as a joint effort by Ulidia Integrated College, Carrickfergus in Northern Ireland and Lycee Pole, Fort Dauphin in Madagascar. Eighty percent of the people in Madagascar are farmers. In the southern region of Madagascar there are several neighbourhoods that produce coffee. We...

Thursday 6th April saw the final basketball training session with our American basketball coaches. Nyasha Sarja and Randyll Buttler are both Victory Scholars who are working in partnership with the University of Ulster as part of the ‘Sport changes life’ programme. Both coaches have been...

On Friday 31st March, the year 8 hockey team attended the N. Ireland Integrated Hockey Cup tournament at Parkhall School in Antrim. This is the first time the year 8 pupils have been involved in such a tournament so the anticipation and excitement had reached...

Pupils across year 9 have taken part in the Translink Travel Challenge this term to try and increase their sustainable travel distances. Pupils recorded how they usually travel to school and then challenged themselves to make their journey more sustainable. Over two weeks the pupils in...

This year, we at Ulidia are proud to have introduced our first team of Anti Bullying Ambassadors.  We continue to work hard to come up with new ideas to help everyone to feel comfortable and supported in our school.  On Friday 31st March we decided...

Last month pupils from Acorn Integrated Primary visited the Geography Department at Ulidia Integrated College to learn alongside our year 8’s as part of our celebration of integrated education. Acorn students were joined by their 'Eco Mentors' from our sixth form during the lesson. The pupils worked together...

On Friday 24th March, Ulidia Integrated College celebrated ‘Odd Socks Day’ to raise awareness of Integrated Education, and also to raise funds for the Integrated Education Fund. It was a sole lot of fun and it was easy to get involved. We all like to be...

On Friday 24th March, KS3 pupils (Years 8, 9 and 10) participated in a thematic teaching day to celebrate integrated education. Pupils participated in activities in their lessons which were based on the topic of our local/global community. In Home Economics learners explored origins of ingredients...

On Tuesday 28th March, the final training session took place for all Junior hockey teams. A series of awards were presented to pupils to highlight the dedication and success the girls have had this year. Notable mention must go to the 6 pupils awarded “Coaches...

The Eco team at Ulidia Integrated College carry out regular litter picking events at Loughshore beach and also along the sea front at Carrickfergus. These take place at least once a term at each location. The team take in at least two picks each term at...