
Our Sixth Form Charity Committee would like to thank students and staff for supporting their Bun Sale last week. The students made a variety of delicious homemade treats to be enjoyed by everyone.   The money raised that day went to Habitat for Humanity. This is just one...

On Friday 2nd October some members of the Eco Club stayed in school late after everyone else had gone home, to do some bulb planting. They planted tulips and daffodils in the flower bed at the front of the school and in other beds around...

Find out about undergraduate courses at Ulster   Come and meet staff and recent graduates for information on courses, careers and why Arts at Ulster is a unique and rewarding student journey.   We know your UCAS choices are very important. We want to help you make the most...

We are excited to launch our Year 8 Shoebox Appeal for 2015.  Christmas is one of the toughest times of the year, it is a time of celebration for most but not for the underprivileged. However we can change that and help make a difference...

It is that time of year again. The school fantasy league kicks off on the 17th October 2015. It is free to play and open to all Ulidia students and staff. We would recommend that you pick your team and join before the 17th.   If...

We continue to collect items that are no longer required, these may include clothes, shoes, handbags, towels, blankets, curtains etc. – any condition is welcome. Bags are available from Mrs Patterson in the Geography department.   Our Eco Club has increased the recycling range to include the...

This week Years 8, 9 and 10 took part in 'the world's largest lesson' during their Geography classes.   During the lesson students learned about the Millennium Development Goals and what they are. Students then looked at the progress over the past 15 years to evaluate the success of the goals....

Last week Miss McKee along with some Junior school pupils attended a Girls Football Roadshow as part of the Irish Football Associations, Live Your Goals Programme.   The programme aims to raise the profile of girls’ and women’s football in Northern Ireland and involves a number of key...

On the 18th of September the Art and Design and Photography Department went for an educational visit to the Ulster Museum in order to take photos of the Botanical Gardens and current exhibitions.   I gained inspiration from various styles of painters and sculptures. In addition...

Year 14 students were delighted to welcome Stephanie McCann of Education, Recruitment and Marketing to their careers periods last week. Stephanie gave a presentation relating to furthering their studies at University level and specifically the UCAS application process, finance and accommodation.   She also informed the students...