House System

Welcome to the house system area of our school website. Here you will find out all about your house and what activities are coming up.

Points are awarded for a wide range of competitions: sporting, academic, extracurricular – just like in our homes, every student is an important asset to their house!

Find out more information about our houses:

Our house logo includes the Chaine Tower.

The Chaine Memorial Tower, or ‘The Pencil’ as its known locally is an impressive beacon tower of Irish granite, built in 1887 as a memorial for James Chaine, the developer of Larne Harbour, with money raised by public subscription in Larne. It stands on the western side of Larne Lough at the entrance to the harbour and can be seen by visitors coming in by sea. The Tower is an accurate replica of an Irish Round Tower and stands 27m high and 7.5m wide at its base. After a request from Mariners the tower was converted into a lighthouse by the Commissioners of Irish Lights in March 1899 and has stood like a sentinel over the Lough for well over a hundred years. It is now owned by the local Council.

The tower lights the way for boats towards safety and stands tall and proud in Larne Harbour. In Olderfleet House we stand us for what we believe in and as and Integrated School we light the way into a peaceful future for Northern Ireland.

Our house logo includes the Carrickfergus Castle.

Carrickfergus Castle is a Norman castle in Northern Ireland, situated in the town of Carrickfergus in County Antrim, on the northern shore of Belfast Lough. Unlike many other castles of this era, Carrickfergus Castle sits in excellent condition. In fact, despite being besieged in turn by the Scots, Irish, English and French, and playing an important military role until 1928, it’s one of the best-preserved medieval structures in Ireland and the only preserved castle of its age open to the public. For more than 800 years, Carrickfergus Castle has been an imposing monument on the Northern Irish landscape whether approached by land, sea or air. The castle now houses historical displays as well as cannons from the 17th to the 19th centuries.

Carrickfergus Castle has stood up to the test of time, demonstrating resilience to challenges. The castle is a symbol of resilience and strength. Our school has stod up to many challenges over time and has remained string and firm.

Our symbol is Chichester Castle Tower in Whitehead.

The castle was constructed around 1604 for an English Soldier known as Sir Moyses Hill. It was built as a fortification to help protect settlers. The structure stood three-stories high and provided a commanding view of the surrounding Belfast Lough and inland area. Sir Moyses Hill was knighted in 1603 and given the land and titles as a mark of gratitude for his services to the Crown.

Today, the tower sits on private grounds next to Whitehead Methodist Church. It’s now a protected historic building and has recently undergone restoration to keep it looking its best.

The castle has had many roles over its lifetime including providing protection, the castle has undergone many changes in order to meet its many roles. Throughout our lives we will face many challenges and will need resilience and adjustment in order to meet these challenges successfully.

Our Symbol in Magee House is the Blackhead lighthouse.

Blackhead Lighthouse has to be one of the best-located lighthouses in County Antrim.

The lighthouse marks the northern extremity of Belfast Lough, is steeped in history, and plays a role in maritime safety in Ireland.

The light house lights the way for boats towards safety and stands tall and proud on top of the cliffs. In Magee House we stand us for what we believe in and as an Integrated School we light the way into a peaceful future for Northern Ireland.

House System Aims:

  • To support the Integrated College Ethos, and provide all students with the opportunity to enjoy, achieve and celebrate success by contributing to the school community.
  • To promote healthy competition amongst all students and staff across a variety of school events and activities.
  • To provide opportunities for positive engagement with others.
  • To encourage students to Integrate vertically with others from all other year groups.
  • To give every student a further sense of belonging, promote self-esteem and ownership of the House System.
  • Provide opportunities for students to develop leadership skills.