A Level Tag

Name: Adam Latham Year Left: 2020 Subjects: History, Religious Studies, Sports Studies Occupation: I have recently been appointed Head of Drama at Ulidia Integrated College Pathway to Success: I am about to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Education in July at Liverpool Hope University. This degree allowed...

Name: Shawn Clarke Year Left: 2012 Subjects: Photography, Moving Image Arts and ICT  Occupation: Sales at Cisco Systems Pathway to Success: Sixth Form - BA Fashion Promotion and Advertising in London at UAL - Ravensbourne, Founding member of Integrated AlumNI, Assistant Office Manager - Lifestyle TV UK/Spain, Operations -...

Name: Francine Whitehurst Year Left: 2007 Subjects: English Literature & Double Performing Arts Occupation: I have recently been appointed Head of Drama at Ulidia Integrated College Pathway to Success: BA Hons and PGCE in Drama from Queen's University Belfast.  Along the way I worked with the Jim Henson Company...

The Carson Awards are an exciting opportunity for young people to express themselves creatively under the theme ‘What Integrated Education Means to Me’. Nine pupils from Mrs Watson's A Level Photography class applied for the award and won equipment to complete their photography related projects....

The Maths Department hosted a careers event on Wednesday 23rd January 2019 to promote various possible careers connected to A Level Mathematics. Careers represented included Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Statistician (Medical Statistics and the government statistical agency NISRA) and  Actuary.  We are grateful to our visitors...