A Level Tag

Name: Adam Latham Year Left: 2020 Subjects: History, Religious Studies, Sports Studies Occupation: I have recently been appointed Head of Drama at Ulidia Integrated College Pathway to Success: I am about to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Education in July at Liverpool Hope University. This degree allowed...

Name: Francine Whitehurst Year Left: 2007 Subjects: English Literature & Double Performing Arts Occupation: I have recently been appointed Head of Drama at Ulidia Integrated College Pathway to Success: BA Hons and PGCE in Drama from Queen's University Belfast.  Along the way I worked with the Jim Henson Company...

Name: Shawn Clarke Year Left: 2012 Subjects: Photography, Moving Image Arts and ICT  Occupation: Sales at Cisco Systems Pathway to Success: Sixth Form - BA Fashion Promotion and Advertising in London at UAL - Ravensbourne, Founding member of Integrated AlumNI, Assistant Office Manager - Lifestyle TV UK/Spain, Operations -...

The Carson Awards are an exciting opportunity for young people to express themselves creatively under the theme ‘What Integrated Education Means to Me’. Nine pupils from Mrs Watson's A Level Photography class applied for the award and won equipment to complete their photography related projects....

The Maths Department hosted a careers event on Wednesday 23rd January 2019 to promote various possible careers connected to A Level Mathematics. Careers represented included Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Statistician (Medical Statistics and the government statistical agency NISRA) and  Actuary.  We are grateful to our visitors...