Around the World in 80 Trays

Around the World in 80 Trays

We are sharing this short film with you today in the hope that you might help us to spread the message of integration ‘Around the World in 80 Trays’. If you are part of a school, Early Years setting or youth group, you could plan your own baking task and send your results to us at the school email address. Please tell us what integration means to you and why you feel it is important in today’s world. 

In October of last year we applied for a £1000 grant from the Carson Bursary. We used the money to buy an iPad Pro, as well as other equipment to help us create our short film. We filmed ourselves carrying out a baking activity to prepare Gingerbread People and we decorated them to reflect the wide range of ethnicities, cultures and personal styles that we see in the world around us. We have narrated our film, sharing our personal feelings on why we are so proud to be a part of an amazing Integrated school.

Happy baking from Year 11 Food and Nutrition!