Author: MrParkes

Name: Jenny Ford Year Left: 2004 Subjects: Chemistry, Biology, RE Occupation: Biomedical Scientist currently employed by the Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service as the Quality Control Laboratory Manager Pathway to Success: First Class Honours degree Biomedical Science Ulster University. Master of Science in Biomedical Science with a specialism in...

Name: Francine Whitehurst Year Left: 2007 Subjects: English Literature & Double Performing Arts Occupation: I have recently been appointed Head of Drama at Ulidia Integrated College Pathway to Success: BA Hons and PGCE in Drama from Queen's University Belfast.  Along the way I worked with the Jim Henson Company...

Name: Shawn Clarke Year Left: 2012 Subjects: Photography, Moving Image Arts and ICT  Occupation: Sales at Cisco Systems Pathway to Success: Sixth Form - BA Fashion Promotion and Advertising in London at UAL - Ravensbourne, Founding member of Integrated AlumNI, Assistant Office Manager - Lifestyle TV UK/Spain, Operations -...

Name: Megan WhiteYear Left: 2017Subjects Studied: Art, Performing Arts, Moving Image ArtOccupation: Learning and participation artist at the Birmingham HippodromePathway to Success:My daily job consists of creating and delivering theatre-focused workshops and engaging in participation projects within the Hippodrome. This has allowed me to utilize the...

Our new building is making fantastic progress! A group of year 12 Students have been on site for the first look round the building in its current form. As we draw closer to completion I will endeavour to bring you more regular updates of what progress is...

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Breen as our Vice Principal for Pastoral Care. My name is Dr. Breen and I am really excited to introduce myself as the Vice Principal for Pastoral Care at Ulidia Integrated College. I have nineteen years post primary experience, the majority of which...

Ulidia Integrated College played Abbey Community College in the first round of the U16 Northern Ireland Cup. Although there was a strong wind the rain stayed off which made for a terrific game. An early goal from Ulidia’s Talan Smith put Abbey on the back foot...

Thursday 28 September 2023 marked the official date for Ulidia Integrated College’s Annual Speech and Prize Night.  Staff, Board of Governors, invited guests and parents joined the prize winners to share in the success and achievements of pupils for the year 2022/2023. We were honoured to...

Election fever gripped Ulidia last week!  After a week of exciting campaigning, the elections to the Student’s Council took place on Thursday 21st September 2024. There was a record number of candidates willing to step up and put themselves forward for election, 59 pupils in total...