09 Jan Special Rewards Trip to Maud’s Ice Cream Factory!
Last term, in order to support our Positive Discipline system in school, Maud’s Ice Cream Factory very generously offered some of our students the very special opportunity to visit the factory and see how the legendary Maud’s ice cream is made. There were a limited number of places available so names of pupils in Yr8, 9 & 10 form classes who achieved top credits for the term were entered into a draw.
On 19th December, the lucky winners Rose, Aimee, Courtney and Rebecca made their way to the factory accompanied by Miss Hall. The girls described the trip as “the best ever!!!” as they got a tour of Maud’s factory and watched how they make their very own honeycomb. But most importantly the girls got to make and sample three different types of ice cream including a very exclusive new flavour. Each prize winner also got to take home a gallon of ice cream of their choice. A fantastic trip altogether and very much appreciated by the pupils and staff of Ulidia!
We would like to thank Maud’s for their very kind support for Positive Discipline and we hope to visit again soon!