06 Oct Eco Code Launched in our School Community
Last week Ulidia Integrated College launched our new Eco Code. The code was written by students for all of our school community.
During form time last week students learnt about our new code and what it represents. Every student had the opportunity to then ‘Sign Up’ to the new code as an indication that they will try to follow it. Signed copies of the code will be displayed in each form room once signed.
Ulidia Integrated College staff team also had the opportunity to sign up to the code, a copy of the code signed by staff is displayed on the staff room notice board as a daily reminder and also in the main school foyer on the Eco Schools notice board for visitors to our school to see.
We would also like to invite parents’/guardians and our wider community to show their support by also signing up to our new code. If you would like to sign the code virtually please click the button below.