From Conflict to Peace: Launching Educational Resources for the 25th Anniversary of the Belfast Good Friday Agreement

From Conflict to Peace: Launching Educational Resources for the 25th Anniversary of the Belfast Good Friday Agreement

Ulidia Integrated College were delighted to welcome The Rt Hon Chris Heaton-Harris MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland this morning to launch ‘From Conflict to Peace’, a set of educational resources to be made available throughout the UK on the 25th Anniversary of the Belfast Good Friday Agreement.

Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Chris Heaton-Harris said:

“Thanks to the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement, Northern Ireland’s young people have grown up in peace and safety, looking forward to a future of hope and opportunity.

“That’s why I’m incredibly proud to launch this new education package, which will give young people in Northern Ireland and across the UK the chance to deepen their appreciation and understanding of the Agreement’s benefits and encourage them to engage with this historic anniversary.

“It’s particularly relevant that I’m launching this initiative in an integrated school, a symbol of reconciliation, which the Agreement promoted.”