Thursday 28 September 2023 marked the official date for Ulidia Integrated College’s Annual Speech and Prize Night. Staff, Board of Governors, invited guests and parents joined the prize winners to share in the success and achievements of pupils for the year 2022/2023.
We were honoured to have Miss Tuesday Howe as our guest speaker this year. Miss Howe was a past pupil and head girl of Ulidia Integrated College in 2010/2011, she is currently working as an English Teacher and Head of Year in Priory Integrated College. She was the lead mentor in her English Degree course in QUB for the school of English and is currently part of the CS Lewis Institute Fellows Program in Stranmillis.
We were inspired by her words of inspiration and her passion for English. She spoke of how ‘Ulidia remains with you even when you leave school, in your thoughts, your decisions and how you treat others; that today will soon be your yesterday so enjoy every moment, grasp every opportunity and be the best you can be.’ Congratulations to all!
Academic Award WinnersAttendance Shield WinnersImprovement Award WinnersEthan – The Andrew Jackson Bowl For outstanding contributions in Humanities, Kristian – The Ernest Walton Trophy & The Endeavour Cup Rebecca – The William Rowan Hamilton Award For outstanding contributions in Mathematics & The Ulidia Cup. Pictured with Vice Principal Mrs Campbell Leah & Daniel – The Laura McFarland Trophy For outstanding contributions to SPLAT. Phoebe – The Jay Cullen Award. Pictured with Mrs Bonar, Vice Principal.Izzy & Rhys – The Principal’s Trophy. Pictured with Mr Houston and Guest Speaker Miss Tuesday Howe. Hannah & Kaci The Integrated Cup. Pictured with Mrs Patterson.Ellie – The Leslie Shield & The Hughes Cup The Kenneth Brannagh Trophy – TatianaThe Attendance Shield (Y10) – SofiaJack – Ulidia Golf Open Trophy For excellence in the Golf Open Championship donated by the Hill family Izzy – G Force for sport for outstanding contributions to sport The Seamus Heaney Trophy For outstanding contributions in languages – Hanna for KS3 & Sarah at GCSE. The Junior/Senior Northern Ireland Screen Cup For endeavour in the Digital, Visual and Performing Arts (photography and drama) Hannah Hanna & NaidaBaroness May Blood Award for Community Activism – Brooke, Grace & Kerryn. The Attendance Shield (sixth form) – Keya. The Community Shield For contributions to community involvement – Hannah. Pictured with Senior Teacher Mr Barnard.The Student Council Award – Charlie & Improvement Awards (Y10) – AvaRebecca with Senior Teacher Mr BarnardThe Governor’s Cup Awarded to Head Prefect of the last academic year for contributions and commitment to Ulidia Integrated College – Katie & Matthew.Eco Award For the student who has shown commitment to ECO club and contribution towards ECO school events – Rebecca. Pictured with Mrs PattersonThe Conduct Cup – Kerry & Phoebe, Academic Award (Y11) – Kris & The Simpson Cup for personal achievement – James. Pictured with Vice Principal Mrs Campbell.Guest Speaker MIss Howe pictured with the Senior Leadership Team.