Adam Latham – Future Secured

Adam Latham – Future Secured

Name: Adam Latham

Year Left: 2020

Subjects: History, Religious Studies, Sports Studies

Occupation: I have recently been appointed Head of Drama at Ulidia Integrated College

Pathway to Success: I am about to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Education in July at Liverpool Hope University. This degree allowed me to examine the Sociology, Psychology , Philosophy and history of education so it’s almost like having four mini subjects within one.

Best memories of Sixth Form:I have many fond memories of Ulidia from the French trip in 2016 where we visited Normandy and Paris to going to an open Ulster rugby training session with the school. Duke of Edinburgh was also a highlight. I also have to say getting the role of head boy let me experience a different aspect of student life in the last year I attended.

Why study sixth form at Ulidia: I think Ulidia is a unique place for sixth form because they can offer many different subjects with the added benefit of having CLC as well to accommodate subjects that are not offered. Sixth form life is very different as well due to the many different roles you could take up such as being a prefect and a mentor which also lets you have some more responsibility which helps you within later life in work and university.

Aspirations for the Future: I will look at my options and gain some work experience for a year or two then I will either do a master’s in education or I will do my PGCE and qualify as a primary school teacher. My degree it has opened up many pathways that could lead into social work , teaching and also certain civil service type jobs.

Best Advice? ‘keeping a calm and positive mind set during challenging academic periods’

Ulidia Integrated College – Securing Brighter and Better Futures for All

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