Aiden McAteer – Future Secured

Aiden McAteer – Future Secured

Name: Aiden McAteer

Year Left: 2016

Subjects: Double Applied Science, ICT

Occupation: Lecturer of Veterinary Physiotherapy at Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford, Essex

Pathway to Success:
In 2020, I graduated from Writtle University College in Essex (now known as Anglia Ruskin University, Writtle Campus) with a Master’s in Veterinary Physiotherapy

In September 2021, I started out as a demonstrator of Veterinary Physiotherapy, and worked as an assistant to the University lecturers. I was then promoted to a full-time lecturing role in July 2022

Best memories of Ulidia:
I look back on my years spent at Ulidia with great fondness. Aside from the positive working environment cultivated by the teaching staff, the opportunities that were offered to us as students meant that it wasn’t all work and no play; there was balance, which was rather conducive to an excellent learning environment. 

One of the most exciting adventures I experienced during my time at Ulidia was the Ski Trip! Having never skied myself, it was difficult to tell if going on the trip would be a good or bad idea!

Why study at Ulidia:
If my time at Ulidia has taught me anything it is that they are true to their ethos. The teaching body were there to provide the help needed, often going above and beyond to ensure that students who wish to succeed, do so with a sense of empowerment, determination, and self-belief. It is because of many of the teachers during my time at Ulidia, that I have been able to strive forward. They are truly there to push any student who is willing, to do their absolute best.

Aspirations for the Future:
I truly have Ulidia to thank for developing the more academically minded side of my personality – as such pursuing continuous learning and skill development remains high on my agenda. I hope with every academic year passing that I, at least, make a positive impact on the students who pass through my classroom, hoping to mentor and guide them to success.

That said, my goal is to continue researching the topics of my undergrad and postgrad theses in the hope of becoming a voice in Equine physiotherapy industry through the continuation of my research whilst also gaining a PhD in the process.

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