Author: ulidintadmin

Earlier this month the eco team held a learning session about local geology. The session was planned at the request of the members who wanted to understand more about their local geology of the Antrim Coast. Members of the team brought rock samples collected from Drains...

We have continued to develop Positive Discipline within the college. We would like to thank all pupils, parents and staff for your invaluable feedback. It is certainly helping us to recognise and reward students more effectively and to raise standards and expectations for everyone within...

On Monday 6th February, a number of Year 11 GCSE History Students were invited to mark and remember Holocaust Memorial Day 2017 at Carrickfergus Council. The theme was ‘How can life go on’. The day began with a visiting speaker, Mr Billy Kohner. His family...

Year 9 are studying weather and climate this term in their Geography lessons. Within this unit the students will learn about climate patterns across the UK, and the factors which have created these patterns. Learners will also explore the three types of rainfall and how to...

On Monday 30th January, Ulidia Integrated College played against Carrickfergus College in the NEBSSA League. It was to be another proud day for both the year 8 and 9 girls as they put in fantastic performances, with the year 8's winning 4-3 and the year...

Learners in year 13 Travel and Tourism have to research, develop and present a business plan for a feasible project within a set financial restriction, as part of their Level 3 studies. In order to complete this area of their studies, this year the students...

On Tuesday 24th January, the silver Duke of Edinburgh candidates undertook cookery training. The pupils learnt about foods which could be cooked while on expedition and how to cook them. Most importantly the pupils sampled the foods to decide what foods they would like to...

On Thursday 26th January, Ulidia Integrated College played against Ballyclare Secondary School in the NEBSSA League. It was to be a proud day for the Ulidia girls as they put in a brilliant performance, winning 6-1. The team have dedicated so much time to training, with...

The Ulidia Eco team recently took part in a fair trade event. The team explored fair trade and why it may be beneficial for farmers around the world. When we explored fair trade prices, the team were surprised to find that the fair trade products...

Yesterday all year 14 students took part in a workshop delivered by Robert Gilmour, Lynn Cooper and Christopher Wightman from the Home Office. As our final year students get ready to embrace the challenges of the wider world, pressure rises as university offers often come with...