General News

The year 11 media studies class are taking part in a BBC School Report that focuses on a fundraising campaign being run by the year 10 form teachers and pupils. The year 10’s are raising funds for a school linked to Ulidia in Madagascar, Fortdauphan. Throughout...

A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. (Melinda Gates) On Tuesday 7th March, four year 13 students went to the Titanic Belfast’s 4th International Women’s Day conference, Inspire 2017. International Women’s Day encourages effective action for advancing and recognising women and the 2017...

This year the eco team at Ulidia have twinned with an eco team in Madagascar, a school called Fort Duphine. The eco teams have swapped letters and have learnt about the environments that we live in. This has been very exciting and the eco team...

The Ulidia sixth form students have organised a football league for year 8 students. The league fixtures have been taking place every Friday for the past three weeks, with a total of nine teams entered. As we are approaching the final week, we encourage everyone taking...

We will be having the Scholastic Book Fair in school again next week from Tuesday 14th to Tuesday 21st March. A range of books and stationery will be on sale in the library. As the library is being used as a classroom there will only...

On Friday 3rd of March, six year 9 students represented Ulidia on court as ball girls, at the European Netball Championships at the Antrim Forum. We asked some of those attending students in their own words to tell us about the event. I really enjoyed going...

This term our year 8 students have been studying tectonics, focusing on both Japan and Northern Ireland. We explored the causes of tectonic activity and the effects on people, property, and land. As part of their unit of work the year 8’s designed buildings to withstand...

March 2017 sees the first month long celebration of integrated education and here at Ulidia we intend to fully participate in the Integrated Education Fund’s celebration. This year the whole month of March is dedicated to the theme ‘Remembering: The Big Small Stories’ where we hope...

Learners from year 12 and the sixth form at Ulidia Integrated College recently took part in a community litter pick event. Volunteers walked along the front of Prince Andrew Way and along Victoria road to collect litter in the area and ensure that it was...

Congratulations to our Year 13 Double ICT Class who produced these fantastic games covers for their Computer Game Design module. They had to devise a plot for their game, taking into consideration the target audience, the genre and the most suitable platform for it to...