Well-Being @ Ulidia

Well-Being @ Ulidia

This year, we are dedicating the month of October to promoting well-being amongst pupils and staff in the College. This morning’s assembly focused on the 5 Steps to Well-Being, currently promoted by the HSC. All junior school pupils are encouraged to:

  • Be Active
  • Connect with others – not just through technology!
  • Keep Learning
  • Give
  • Take Notice

Taking steps to take care of our general well-being means that we are less likely to suffer from emotional or mental health issues now or in the future. It also means that we make a positive impact on our friends, family and local community and that when we do face problems and issues, we are able to bounce back much quicker.

Don’t forget our community event, Carrickfergus Connect & Build, on Wednesday 17th October! We’d love as many people as possible in the local community to come together to connect with each other and build a healthier community.