Author: MrParkes

All year 9 pupils were recently educated about bus safety following a visit from Translink's Safety Bus. This included behaviour to and from school and how to alight and disembark a bus.  Translink’s Safety Bus is dedicated to visiting primary and secondary schools in order to...

Ulidia Integrated College 2018 Duke of Edinburgh expeditions our students took on the Grassroots Challenge as their aim. We were among 43 centres across Northern Ireland who took on this challenge.  Before beginning their expedition students planned activities to survey and map wildlife in both the...

Using 2018 Duke of Edinburgh expeditions our students took on the Grassroots Challenge as their aim. We were among 43 centres across Northern Ireland who took on this challenge. Before beginning their expedition students planned activities to survey and map wildlife in both the Mourne Mountains...

On Friday 23 November year 8 had the opportunity to attend the Bin It roadshow at Ulidia. All of year 8 had the opportunity to attend the interactive workshop which was led by Wrigleys Bin It Team, supported by Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful.  The workshop explored...

Ulidia Integrated College is a ‘Fair Trade Aware’ school. On Thursday 15th November some of our Eco Team attended our annual Christmas Fair to promote Fair Trade. Students hosted a gingerbread decorating stall and spoke to visitors from our community about Fair Trade and why it...

Over the past few months ParentMail have been making lots of improvements to their app for Android and iOS devices and have recently launched a new version. If you are currently using our own school branded app, there are a few important things you need to...

On Friday 16th November we celebrated our annual Blue Friday which is now a traditional part of our Anti-Bullying Week. The day began with senior assembly where the message of ‘Respect’ and Ulidia’s 4Rs was shared by our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. All students have been encouraged to...

On Saturday 16th November seven students from year 12 and sixth form attended the Translink Youth Summit in Belfast Met in Titanic Quarter. When they arrived the students were treated to a breakfast of sausage rolls and warm refreshments. The students also enjoyed the welcome...