
This term our year 9 students have been studying the country of Kenya. Within their Geography lessons they have been finding out about how to measure development and using these measures to compare both Northern Ireland and Kenya. As part of this unit of work, students...

The dream of opening an integrated college in East Antrim began a long, long time ago and has been very well documented. My involvement in the dream of creating a college in East Antrim began on the 18 April 1997 when, two days after being appointed...

On Tuesday 14th March, year 12 and sixth form students taking part in the Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award were given a training session on First Aid by paramedic Yvonne Craig. They were shown how to deal with possible scenarios when on their expeditions and...

Students from the year 11 Media Studies class travelled to BBC Blackstaff House in Belfast to watch a live broadcast for BBC School Report Day. School reports were broadcast and during the live studio discussion which followed, students had the opportunity to put questions to...

On receiving my GCSE results, the vice-principal of Ulidia at the time, said to me "the world is your oyster".  I often think back to that conversation and feel incredibly fortunate that I had the opportunity to attend two schools where self-confidence and respect for...

Earlier this month, pupils from Ulidia Integrated College were invited to attend a teacher training conference about outdoor education, to share the excellent practice at Ulidia.  During the conference our pupils hosted a stand, where they told new and experienced teachers from all over Northern Ireland...

On Thursday 16th March our year 12 students joined the students from the other three schools in the Carrickfergus Learning Community to attend the Careers Convention in Carrick Leisure Centre, which is jointly organised by the four schools. There were over 45 exhibitors this year, including...

Being part of an integrated school was so relaxing and comfortable because it didn't matter what religion you were or what skin colour you had or where you came from. Everyone was treated equally and treated with respect. Ryan Surgenor Former pupil...

Earlier this month the eco team were visited by Shanna Rice from the Ulster Wildlife Trust to learn about the Young Peoples Environmental Leadership Programme. Ulidia Integrated College was one of the pilot schools last year for the development of the programme and is proud...

On Friday 24th March, Ulidians are asked to don the oddest socks you have to raise awareness of integrated education and to support the Integrated Education Fund! Al pupils and staff are asked to get involved and a minimum donation of £1 will be collected for...