Author: MrParkes

On Friday 14th September the Eco Team met for the first time this year. During the first meeting, as is now traditional, the Chairperson for the year was elected. The team voted to decide who they would like to lead them this year. Congratulations to Karl...

Year 13 learners had the opportunity to attend a Barclays Life Skills workshop on Friday 14th September. The workshop was delivered by Business in the Community and gave learners the opportunity to learn about personal budgeting and to learn important financial skills for life. Thank you...

Students in Years 11 and 12 have taken on the QuickStart challenge this term. Students are working in small groups to develop micro businesses which will raise money for charity at our Christmas Fair in November. During their first non exam Learning for Life and Work...

Every 6th Form student at Ulidia Integrated College received the latest generation iPad today to support their studies both at home and school. Michael Houston, Principal of Ulidia said: “We are committed to our sixth form students and determined to provide them with a positive sixth...

Ulidia Integrated College has recorded outstanding 2018 GCSE Results with 59.2% of pupils gaining 5 or more A*-C grades including English and Maths. Principal Michael Houston reported an overall pass rate of 64.5% attaining 5 or more A*-C, with the vast majority of these coming from...

Ulidia Integrated College are delighted to report another increase in results at 6th Form in the number of students attaining top grades at A level or equivalent. 87% of Year 14 students achieve 3A*-C at A Level or equivalent As an indication of ongoing excellence, last...

This year Ulidia Integrated College has submitted three articles to the Young Reporters for the Environment Competition. Junior - Plastic waste: A global issue with local solutions By Leah McAteer, Sophie Postle, Rebekah Moore, Ellie Spratt Senior - We are living in a material World:...

On Wednesday 27th June 2018 Ulidia Integrated College held our annual Green Day event. This was our 10th annual green day event. This year, Year 8 were joined by Acorn Integrated Primary, Whiteabbey Primary and St. Nicholas Primary. The aim of the day is to...

Congratulations to the 13 senior students who completed their silver exam expedition at the weekend. The students began on Saturday 23rd June and completed on Monday 25th June. The expedition was over the Antrim Hills. During the expedition the two groups had to navigate a challenging...

The College's Eco Club has met for the final time this year to celebrate the year’s achievements. This year has been another successful year for the group with highlights including: attending and speaking at the Coast Care Awards in Stormont, being awarded for a second...