Author: MrParkes

Many congratulations to our newly appointed Head Boy and Head Girl team. Cameron Wilson, Faith Denny and their Deputies, Eoghan O’Hara and Rachel Lockyear.   We look forward to them taking a leading role in Ulidia and have no doubt they will continue to do themselves...

Congratulations to Megan and Phoebe Cochrane who called into Ulidia on Tuesday 8th May to collect their Duke of Edinburgh Award Gold badges, ahead of their official presentation at the Palace later this month. Both sisters completed their Duke of Edinburgh Awards at Ulidia Integrated College,...

Throughout term two students from across the College in all year groups took part in a #wastehero social media campaign. Students and their families pledged to separate their food waste and then uploaded or sent photos of the family making the pledge to the college...

On Thursday 26th April a group of students from year 12 and sixth form began their Duke of Edinburgh Award practice expedition. Students spent three days in the Mourne Mountains. The group had to navigate their journey through the mountains, and over them! They also...

In March, as part of our celebrations for Integrated Education Month, we ran a planner design competition with the theme ‘Everybody Outstanding!’ We had lots of entries from lots pupils from different year groups and we are delighted to finally announce the winner… Patrycja, Year 11...

50 Year 10 pupils from Ulidia travelled to Carrick Grammar to hear Holocaust Survivor EVA CLARKE. Eva spoke for an hour describing what life was like for Jews under the Nazis Regime. She explained how her family was affected in day to day life and...

Throughout the year the Sixth Form have been running a number of events to aid Hope 365, a very worthwhile charity which gives hope to the street children of Shashemene, Ethiopia. The Sixth form were delighted to present a cheque to Michael Holmes of Hope...

No one likes them, they are dreaded by all but they are part and parcel of our experiences in life.   So we don't want to frighten you, but encourage you that it isn't too late to plan and prepare and STOP PROCRASTINATING!   Your ‘maybe tomorrow’ is not...

The Eco team have been working hard this term to research reports about the global issue of plastic waste. The group have seen the issue first hand through their litter picks at Carrickfergus beaches. The twinned eco group in Madagascar have also seen the issue...