Author: MrParkes

We find ourselves today in a moment of history. The death of Queen Elizabeth II will be taught about in schools for hundreds of years to come, Britain’s longest reigning monarch. But it was her life that was extraordinary. In 1947, on her 21st Birthday she said,  “I declare before...

Ulidia Integrated College has been re-awarded Ambassador Eco-School until 2025. The College was awarded a plaque on Thursday 23rd June to mark the achievement. The plaque was presented by Charlene McKeown, Head of Eco Schools NI at a ceremony in Ballymena Showgrounds. Ulidia Integrated College is an...

Ulidia Integrated College Sixth Form - Securing Brighter and Better Futures for All Name: Chris Hackworth Year Left: 2006 Subjects: Double Performing Arts & Moving Image Arts Occupation: Social Work Student/Youth Worker Pathway to Success: I studied Double Award Performing Arts and Moving Image Arts at Ulidia and then studied Drama...

We are delighted to have been able to welcome Young Enterprise back in Ulidia to deliver the Learn to Earn workshop to our Year 11 students. During the workshop, students considered what their dream lifestyle would be like and, most importantly, how much it would...

Name: Ryan Kearney Year Left: 2016 Subjects: ICT, Travel & Tourism, Performing Arts Occupation: Technology Engineer for ITV Pathway to Success: After school, I went onto study Interactive Computing in Ulster University, which is within the Computer Science discipline. After acquiring my degree, I worked for a Health Tech Company...

Year 9 pupils attended the 4C UR FUTURE Careers event in Templepatrick. Volunteers from many major NI employers such as NI Water, NIE, Allstate, Almac, FinTru, NI Civil Service, Danske or Ryobi facilitated a series of 10 skills-based games.  During this packed and fast-pace event, pupils...

This week we marked the Platinum Jubilee at Ulidia Integrated College with a ‘Ulidia Tea Party’. Students in Y8,9 and 10 designed bunting of celebration in their form groups which was then used to decorate our school canteen. On Wednesday 1st June students all enjoyed...

The much anticipated Ulidia Integrated College Sports day took place on Wednesday 18th May.  Thankfully the weather was very kind and the sun shone throughout the mornings activities.  As usual there was great competition in the sprint events with some excellent races in the relays...