General News

Congratulations to Joshua who recently competed in the Cavan Freestyle Wrestling Championships in the 46kg category. Joshua has been wrestling competitively from the age of 8 and has accumulated 9 gold medals so far! In his current weight category he as won 5 gold medals! Well done...

Congratulations to Aimee who has recently been selected as part of the Northern Ireland U13 Football squad. Early next month, Aimee will travel as part of the squad to Manchester for a one day invitational. The trip will involve the Northern Ireland U13s playing against Manchester...

Year 14 Travel and Tourism recently class had a visit from Mary Burnett who has worked at Disney. During the visit the group learnt about Disney training and about life at Disney University for staff. Miss Burnett also talked about life as a Disney employee...

A group of year 9 pupils have recently established links with IES Castilla in Guadalajara, Spain.   Our new Spanish ‘amigos’ have written in English and our pupils in Ulidia are enjoying the opportunity to practice their written Spanish by replying to introduce themselves.   We...

On Saturday 24th February a group of students in year 12 and sixth form attended a training day at Ulidia. During the day the group received training on camp craft, team building, equipment, ruck sack packing, safe trangia use, tents and pacing. The day was an...

Ulidia students were treated to a visit from the YMCA Juice Bar on Friday 23rd February.  The Juice Bar is a recent initiative that has been funded by the Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland with the aim of raising awareness of the benefits of...