General News

The Year 11 GCSE Child Development class were fortunate to have Mrs Collette Gilroy, a midwife at the Royal Victoria Hospital, visit their class to deliver a presentation on pregnancy and childbirth. The students tested their own carbon monoxide levels, using the same test that...

Commiserations to the Year 10 hockey team who narrowly lost 1-0 to Carrick College on Thursday afternoon. Ulidia started strongly with Rachel Kernoghan, Lauren Swann and Erin Mulholland all creating chances. Ulidia had the majority of the possession moving the ball well. However, in the...

Once again Arlene and Anne Marie from W5 and Lorraine from the RAF came to Ulidia to deliver an Interview Skills workshop to our year 12 pupils. Pupils then sat a mock interview in the afternoon - an important exercise preparing our young people for...

Congratulations to our Year 8 netball team who played their first competitive NEBSSA match on Monday after-school. Prior to the match the girls were very nervous and apprehensive about the big step up to compete at secondary school. However, their performance suggested otherwise. A cool,...

Are you aged 12 – 16 years and interested in taking part in a FREE six-week multi-sports programme? If so, the Game of Three Halves (GO3H) might be right for you. The Game of Three Halves brings children and young people from different backgrounds together to be...

Congratulations to our U15 hockey team who defeated Downshire on Tuesday 30th January. After many missed practices due to poor weather conditions, the girls found themselves 2-0 down within the first 10 minutes. However, an impressive all round performance from midfielder, Anna Sloan, helped the...

On Friday 25th January the eco team were visited by Shanna Rice from the Ulster Wildlife Trust to learn about Marine litter. Marine litter is man made waste that has been deliberately or accidentally been released into the ocean. The eco team were astounded to learn...