
This event is somewhere for year 13 & 14 to go at lunch to participate in a game of Unihoc or just to watch friends and teachers! There will be a tuck shop and also what Jamie Davison likes to call 'Fresh Funky Beats'. We hope...

On Saturday 10th March Ulidia Integrated College joined forces with local councillor Roy Beggs, Ulster Wildlife Trust, Woodbury Rambling group, Ulidia staff and with our families to clean up our local beach. The weather was not kind but the enthusiasm of the volunteers was not dampened....

Ulidia Integrated College has been proudly working with ISL recycling for many years now to establish and maintain our zero waste status. We are proud to be the first zero waste school in Northern Ireland. This means that none of the waste produced at Ulidia...

As part of #IntegratedEducationMonth18 form classes have been taking part in discussions about outstanding qualities and identifying examples when they have demonstrated these qualities. At least one person from each form class has put forward a written account giving us an opportunity to get to know more about...

Congratulations to Joshua who recently competed in the Cavan Freestyle Wrestling Championships in the 46kg category. Joshua has been wrestling competitively from the age of 8 and has accumulated 9 gold medals so far! In his current weight category he as won 5 gold medals! Well done...

Congratulations to Aimee who has recently been selected as part of the Northern Ireland U13 Football squad. Early next month, Aimee will travel as part of the squad to Manchester for a one day invitational. The trip will involve the Northern Ireland U13s playing against Manchester...