General News

We had a great end to the term with our annual talent show. A big well done to everyone who took part and a big thank-you to everyone working behind the scenes who made it all happen! OVERALL WINNER: Katie (Year 11) who sang 'She used...

Year 8 students presented a cheque for £500 to Suzanne from Cancer Fund for Children. The charity provides practical, emotional and financial support to children and young people aged 0 to 24 affected by cancer & their families. They raised the money by taking part in...

As part of BBC School Report our Eco Team had the chance to work with a camera crew from BBC. The crew were in school on Monday 26th March and over the day the group reported their findings and learnt about how to put together...

Learners in year 8 are being encouraged to hunt out any old batteries about the house and collect them together for recycling. All year 8 learners will receive a collection box from their form tutor and are being asked to make a big effort to collect...

The college celebrated fairtrade fortnight over two weeks from 26 February to 11 March. During the fortnight a number of activities took place to highlight the importance of fairtrade, and ensure that learners are aware of the benefits of fair trade. Learners in years 8, 9 and...

As part of integration month, the Year 8s enjoyed a visit from the community Peace Players. The morning involved a variation of basketball games and a promotion of their FREE Easter programme: a game of three halves. The programme will be run over the Easter break...

On 24th March 2018, 13 students from Ulidia will be travelling to Birmingham to take part in Youth Champion Day Awards.   The students have been members of the Holocaust Club from September: they have completed tasks which included educating others about the horrors of the Holocaust...

The U12 boys rugby team travelled to Lurgan for the High school finals Tournament on Tuesday 13th March 2018. The boys beat Sperrin Integrated College by four tries, they were then beat by a very experienced Killicomaine in a very physical encounter. In a more...