General News

Ulidia Integrated College has recorded impressive 2019 GCSE Results with 59% of pupils gaining 5 or more A*-C grades including English and Maths, and 100% of pupils attaining 5 or more GCSE grades. Core subjects like English and Maths continued to improve on last year and remained significantly...

Congratulations to the Eco Team members who were awarded Young Environmental Leader certificates this June by AES and Ulster Wildlife Trust.  These students worked hard to compile a folder of evidence of their environmental actions for this award. Their actions included researching local wildlife, promoting Fair...

Year 9 pupils took part in 4C UR Future, a live career inspiration and information event held at University of Ulster.  4C UR Future is a series of fun interactive games representing challenges from major NI employment sectors run by trained volunteers from local companies to...

On Thursday 27th June 2018 Ulidia Integrated College held our annual Green Day event. This was our 11th annual green day event. This year, Year 8 were joined by students from Acorn Integrated Primary school. The aim of the day was to promote environmental action...

Congratulations to Year 9 who have been awarded ‘Most Sustainable Journeys’ award this year.  Students in Year 9 undertook the Translink Travel Challenge during term two as part of their pastoral programme. Congratulations to students for travelling to school using sustainable methods including train, bus, and...

On Sunday 23rd June students from Year 12 and Sixth Form headed began their silver qualifying Duke of Edinburgh expedition. They have been working hard to train in new skills and to practice these in preparation for the expedition. The group were trained over many...

Hannah in Year 8 has been awarded AES Young Environmental Leader of the Year for 2019.  Hannah was nominated by Mrs Patterson because she has worked hard this year to support a local community environmental campaign. She has been proactive in promoting the work of this...

On Tuesday 18th June, all year 10 students started their journey of exploration of careers and took part in a speed networking event. 14 professionals belonging to eight sectors came to the school and offered our pupils the opportunity to ask them questions. It was a...

On Wednesday 12th June our year 8 and 9 seven a-side football team took part in the IFA Schools Super Festival day Belfast playing fields. Almost 70 teams from all over Northern Ireland took part in this fantastic event organised by the IFA. Our girls put...