Author: MrParkes

On Thursday 12th May three students from Ulidia Integrated College were invited to meet with members of the House of Lords. The students had been taking art in the House of Lords Environmental Engagement programme, alongside other members of the Eco Team this year. The...

High-flying Rhys Millar has been honoured at a formal ceremony at Hillsborough Castle.  Pictured here at the Hillsborough Castle ceremony Cadet Sergeant Rhys Millar from Carrickfergus receives the Citation to mark his appointment as Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet from Mr David McCorkell, Her Majesty's Lord...

On Wednesday 30/03/22 a group of Year 12 pupils organised a sports event for some Year 9 pupils during their PE Lesson.  They provided 21 boys and girls the opportunity to try a new activity ‘Pickle ball’.  It is a popular racket sport that is...

During our annual Odd Socks Day we raised money for the Integrated Education Fund. The fund supported Ulidia Integrated College when our steering group were working hard to open a new school in County Antrim.  Without the IEF we would not be here today.  There are still...

The Charities Committee in Sixth Form were delighted to welcome past pupil Molly Wilson to the college, in order to present a cheque to the Northern Ireland Hospice. Through a variety of fundraising events including a Kindness Tree, Sixth Form breakfast, a non-uniform day, as...

Congratulations to students from Year 12 and Year 13 who completed their Silver Duke Of Edinburgh Practice Walk. The weather was extremely kind and the students worked very hard to develop their map skills and camp craft. Well Done! ...

On Friday 25th March, Year 13 pupils Charlie, Thomas and Joshua, along with Mrs O’Rourke attended the event Civilisation Belfast run by Queen’s University. They were taken to various sites around the city centre to see the impact Civil Engineers have had in the past...

My name is Nathan Irvine, I performed as Hunk and the Scarecrow during the production of The Wizard of Oz at the Theatre at the Mill in Mossely over the half term break.  Nathan Irvine Around the summer of 2021, my mother told me about the fact...

Although we don’t have a firm start date for construction of the new build to formally begin (we hope it will be before the end of this term), I am delighted that some pre-construction work is starting week beginning Monday 14 February. I wanted to give...

We are very proud of the results obtained by Year 12 in the recent November GCSE modules in English, Mathematics and Science. At this stage in the academic year, 69% of our pupils are on target to achieve A*-C in GCSE Mathematics, having completed 45% of...